Monday, July 20, 2020

#2 Poetry slam Video.

Hi bloggers if you wanted a video of me reading it there you go.

Poetry Slam

KIA ORA Bloggers how are you today? I'm alright. So today I'm not at school right know because I had a accident and I hit my mouth  so then I thought I should do my poem today its about school. I hope you like it and please comment if you see any mistakes so i can correct it. I did two poems I hope you like it                                          
                            A poem about school.

The school is made out of blocks and locks.We are year sixs, always good at fixes.When we walk to hay park school we always act cool.
We always do our best so we can rest.The dolls get the rolls , out the hay park school we stroll.If you see a bee it comes from a hay park tree.We do tests that make us the best.

When I go check the time I always eat lime.

We learn to earn are gifts

A poem about me

  I am a helpful and funny girl.

I wonder what will I do for my birthday next year.
I hear an imaginary pizza talking. 
I see unicorns on my bed.
I want to be the luckiest girl on earth
 I am a helpful and funny girl.

I pretend to sleep when my parents says wake up for school
I feel ghost go throw me.
I touch a horse in my dream.
I worry that my mum will feel better.
I cry when my brother and sister breaks my things.
 I am a helpful and funny girl.

I understand that not everyone believes in everything is true.
I say that my mum and dad are the best.
I dream that the world will be a better place.
I try to be the best of the best.
I hope that we have a peaceful year.
 I am a helpful and funny girl.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Math Mashup

Kia Ora Have a look at may mashup have a try you will  love it.
\    We have been learning how to multiply big numbers we also had visitor form university to come and help us..