Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Look at this reproduction image!!!

             Evaluating Media.

 Kamusta Bloggers Today I am posting a image you can tell me if you notice a thing. This week and last week we have been learning Evaluating  Media. What is Evaluating media ? Well it means like to judge or fake media well if you know what it means then comment to tell me.  I will also be posting a video to show you bloggers how to do. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

What I've learned this week.

 Ki Ora Bloggers today I am blogging what I have learned.
 I've learned  what is Healthy well being . so there are different kinds of meaning have a look at this this is not healthy food but it is "How can exercise help on you well being.. My next blog post is A pick a path about healthy food choices. I hope you enjoy my Item and just look out cause after the pick a path I will be posting about hunger ball. I have also Posted this video it was 2 pages from the Garden with science book.